For me, it was a progression of little things and doubts or questions which I quickly suppressed... (the mind control was strong in this one!) and then one day something hit me over the head like a lightening bolt which brought the whole house of cards crumbling down.
First, the doubts and questions...
- the change in 1995 about the generation teaching (now "overlapping")
- the Revelation book, with its claims of the heavenly trumpet blasts being pronouncements at 1922 Conventions which we never hear about or know nothing about anymore
- also, in Revelation book, the terrible, scary, invasive locust plague being **us**?!?!? - Jehovah's own people??
- again, the Revelation book, with JESUS being the rider on the white horse?!? - leading the way with wars, plagues, famine, disease, earthquakes riding along right behind him. Wow, real good on ya, Jesus. Way to go.... thanks a lot...
- and again, in the Revelation book (and numerous WT articles) Jesus waging war in heaven and throwing Satan and his demon horde to EARTH?? Like there was nowhere else in the whole universe to send them? Just cast these horrible, evil, powerful, wicked, depraved, crafty spirits down to the earth where billions of your CHILDREN live - the humans you and Jeh claim to love so much...??? Yeah, thanks a lot for all of that "Woe to the earth and to the sea.." Sure. Good on ya. But, hey, at least your house is clean.... (I don't believe any of this rubbish now, but at the time, it was really hard to fathom....)
- and BLOOD FRACTIONS!!!! This is now a conscience matter??? What happened to "he being faithful in what is least...".????? That was a huge question and doubt!!! (Yet, for this true-believer/ koolaid drinker, still not the final blow!!)
- the FINAL BLOW came when I finally became a grandma - though how I wish I'd have seen and recognized this when my own babies were little ---
And happened when I was going to give my grandchildren the book, MY BOOK OF BIBLE STORIES.
As I looked through the book, it was like I was seeing it for the first time through their little eyes -- and it was HORRIFYING --- the violence, , the bloodshed, the frightening pictures of all the bloodshed and pain-filled faces, my god... And these pages way outnumbered any happy illustrations!! I thought WHO could put out such a book for CHILDREN, children who can't even read yet ... ????
... my next thought was, it would be the Governing Body, they would have had to approve this book!!! MEN, who, for the most part, DIDN'T EVEN HAVE CHILDREN ...!!!
I still remember that moment, like a moment frozen in time -- that moment of striking clarity, shock, and realization -- that those men didn't know everything, that they could make mistakes, and that they were just making it up as they go... It all fell apart for me then and there....
Gosh, and how I shook and trembled and later even cried and had nightmares ... But doing much better with it all now.